Что знает ChatGPT? Первые эксперименты с искусственным интеллектом в Colobridge

У чат-бота ChatGPT есть шансы стать «убийцей» Google и Wikipedia, заменить Siri, Google Assistant и заодно работников умственного труда вроде копирайтеров, переводчиков и программистов. Мы не смогли обойти стороной это творение OpenAI и ради эксперимента задали ему несколько вопросов.

C функциями Wikipedia чат-бот справился неплохо:

Colobridge: What is a data center?

ChatGPT: A data center is a physical facility that organizations use to house their critical applications and data. It typically includes redundant or backup power supplies, redundant data communications connections, environmental controls (e.g., air conditioning, fire suppression), various security devices, and various storage and networking equipment. Data centers are used to store, process, and manage large amounts of data, as well as to run applications and services that support an organization’s operations.

Проверили, насколько хорошо у ChatGPT получается «быть Google», которые знает все обо всех. Он не упомянул один из дата-центров, в котором располагаются наши мощности (Telehouse), однако реабилитировал себя в последнем предложении:

Colobridge: What are the best data centers in Germany?

ChatGPT: Some of the best data centers in Germany are:

These are just a few examples of the top data centers in Germany. There are many others that are also well-regarded in the industry.

Как насчет позиционирования Франкфурта на мировом рынке дата-центров?

Colobridge: What is the place of Frankfurt in the development of data centers?

ChatGPT: Frankfurt is a major hub for data centers in Europe. The city is home to several large data center providers and has favorable conditions for hosting data centers, such as a reliable power supply, good connectivity, and favorable regulations. Additionally, its central location within Europe makes it an ideal place for companies looking to serve customers across the continent. This has led to Frankfurt becoming one of the most important data center markets in Europe, with a high concentration of facilities serving a wide range of industries.

Интересно, что чат знает о нашей компании? Получилось довольно рекламно, без конкретики, но о расположении дата-центров во Франкфурте и основных услугах он осведомлен. 

Colobridge: What about Colobridge?

ChatGPT: ColoBridge is a data center and hosting provider that offers a range of services, including hosting, dedicated servers, and colocation services. They have a presence in several locations in Germany, including Frankfurt, and are known for their high-perfomance network and secure data centers.

Like any hosting provider, the suitability of ColoBridge for your specific needs will depend on a number of factors, such as your budget, the type of hosting you require, and your specific requirements for security, performance, and support. It’s always a good idea to do your research, compare prices and features, and read customer reviews before making a final decision.

Проверяем, хорошо ли ChatGPT разбирается в облачных технологиях. Чат-бот доступно раскрыл суть вопроса, а его объяснения вполне могли звучать в разговоре между менеджером и клиентом:  

Colobridge: Is it safe to store data in the cloud?

ChatGPT: Cloud storage can be safe if the right security measures are in place, but like any other data storage solution, it is not completely immune to security threats. It is important to choose a reputable cloud provider with a strong track record of security and data protection, and to ensure that the data is stored and transmitted securely.

Security measures that can be used to protect data stored in the cloud include encryption, secure authentication protocols, and regular backups. Additionally, it is important to have a disaster recovery plan in place in case of a data breach or other security incident.

In general, cloud storage is considered to be as safe or safer than other data storage solutions, due to the advanced security measures that are employed by leading cloud providers. However, it is always important to assess the specific security needs of an organization and to choose a cloud solution that meets those needs.

А как насчет самооценки самого ChatGPT? Мы проверили и это:

Colobridge: Is artificial intelligence smarter than humans?

ChatGPT: No, AI is not inherently smarter than humans. AI can perform certain tasks, such as calculations or pattern recognition, faster and more accurately than humans. However, AI lacks common sense, intuition, creativity, and the ability to understand complex emotions and social dynamics, which are uniquely human abilities. Additionally, AI is only as smart as the data it’s trained on and the algorithms it uses, and it can only perform tasks that it was specifically designed for. 

ChatGPT был запущен всего пару месяцев назад, но его уже успели раскритиковать за фактические неточности в ответах и даже запретили использовать в государственных школах Нью-Йорка. Как думаете, он действительно представляет угрозу или его можно будет приручить и использовать во благо, как и многие другие технологии?  

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