Migration of 1C to the cloud. Tips to facilitate the transition

Cloud infrastructure ensures the security and confidentiality of your data, the ability to recover accounting information without loss and protection against force majeure.

Why choose the cloud and is it really suitable for everyone? Let’s explain:

If the cloud infrastructure is suitable for the companies, they should treat the migration process responsibly. How shall they do it? Let’s discuss it further.

Choose your service provider carefully

Not only for the price – that’s very relative. The key parameters are the technologies used, the services included in the package, and the availability of technical support. If possible, test the services: companies may write whatever they want on their websites, but in fact not everyone can maintain good service.

More detailed tips on choosing a provider:

Additional requirements to the service provider include:

Prepare to migrate properly

Before migrating to the cloud, it is necessary to analyze some seemingly banal things:

Smooth migration to the cloud with Colobridge

The migration of your services to the cloud will be almost imperceptible and very fast. Colobridge technicians organize the process so that it does not interfere with work or cause any discomfort to your employees.

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